Slovíčka AMOUNT a NUMBER nám často robia problém. Od mnohých študentov som už neraz počul, že ich radšej nepoužívajú a nahrádzajú ich inými výrazmi, len aby sa tejto dvojici vyhli. My sa jej nebojíme a ukážeme si ako sa s touto dvojicou popasovať.
- A large
amountof people are waiting for the bus. - A large number of people are waiting for the bus.
NUMBER vo význame “množsto, počet“ používame pre veci, ktoré môžeme počítať.
AMOUNT vo význame “množstvo, suma, objem čoho“ používame pre veci, ktoré počítať nemôžeme.
Pre názornú predstavu ponúkam krátky zoznam počítateľných podstatných mien (použijeme s nimi NUMBER) a nepočítateľných podstatných (použijeme s nimi AMOUNT):
number of dogs | amount of sadness |
number of shops | amount of sand |
number of people | amount of evidence |
number of books | amount of milk |
number of windows | amount of safety |
number of policemen | amount of news |
number of bottles | amount of knowledge |
number of candidates | amount of happiness |
number of glasses | amount of water |
number of waiters | amount of furniture |
- I have never had a
bigamount of money in my wallet. - I have never had a large amount of money in my wallet.
- I have never had a
bignumber of friends. - I have never had a large number of friends.
Vo význame veľké množstvo čoho používame LARGE pred AMOUNT, či NUMBER. Pozor, nikdy nie BIG, keďže BIG v tomto prípade s AMOUNT ani NUMBER nekolokuje.
Aký je teda rozdiel medzi AMOUNT OF a AMOUNTS OF? Zjednodušene si to môžeme vysvetliť takto:
- A large amount of money is needed if you want to set up a business.
- Large amounts of money are needed if you want to set up a business.
- The number of fatal accidents
arenot decreasing. - The number of fatal accidents is not decreasing.
- A number of buildings
wascompletely destroyed. - A number of cars were parked outside the school.
Za “THE (large, small) NUMBER OF” dávame sloveso v jednotnom čísle (is, was, has apod.).
Za “A (large, small) NUMBER OF” dávame sloveso v množnom čísle (are, were, have apod.).
- There are a number of important tips to improve your vocabulary in the book.
- Here is the number of candidates we wanted.
- The number of vehicles stuck in a traffic jam was two hundred.
- A number of mistakes have been made so far.
Marek Karafa
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